I've never written poetry before but the longing for home has been intensified and I can't find the words to express the pain I feel longing to go home.
I really loved this — one of those amazing feelings where you feel less alone in your longing. Sick of a suitcase, worried about your decisions, longing for your own space… absolutely feel it too 💛 Can’t wait for the moment when you’re welcomed home!
Wow! I’m experiencing the same thing right now and this gave me so much hope❤️❤️I called myself a brat this morning🤣and I’ve been seeing cranes too, and using them as symbols of being on the right path. This was so aligned, thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing this❤️
Oh wow, that is beautiful! Did you see my most recent post? I think that will REALLY put things in perspective for you. I documented the entire process to now being home.
yes yes yes. processing feelings through free-flowing words is so cathartic right? i never did it much until the last few years but now i find myself being able to express what i'm going through so much easier if I don't have to think about sentence structure and write more towards how my thoughts are forming. love seeing this journey on you.
(Too many feelings to fully sit with this because of reasons - saving saving saving. Omg I love hearing this read out loud and the intro - omg and your “excuse me” was so CUTE ADORABLE VULNERABLE LOVELY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 im going to pause now but thank u xxxxxx)
(One last thing sorry for writing how I text - this poem is so so so so so exquisite in both heard and written form, in each format’s own right alone!!! Let alone both!!!!! Omg how tho- thank u xxxxx)
"I'm at peace because I have no control."🤎🤎
I wrote that? lol 😂 thank you! 🙏🏾
Not wrote, but said.
I hope you get to be home soon ❤️
I hope this for all of us ❤️
Thank you for reading and commenting on my first poem @Nadia Meli. I hope this for us too!
I really loved this — one of those amazing feelings where you feel less alone in your longing. Sick of a suitcase, worried about your decisions, longing for your own space… absolutely feel it too 💛 Can’t wait for the moment when you’re welcomed home!
Thank you for your comment, Zefan! I feel the time is getting closer so I’m holding on to that hope now!
Wow! I’m experiencing the same thing right now and this gave me so much hope❤️❤️I called myself a brat this morning🤣and I’ve been seeing cranes too, and using them as symbols of being on the right path. This was so aligned, thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing this❤️
Oh wow, that is beautiful! Did you see my most recent post? I think that will REALLY put things in perspective for you. I documented the entire process to now being home.
Thank you for this!! I’m going to read it now❤️
Let me know what you think! I hope it helps! ❤️
yes yes yes. processing feelings through free-flowing words is so cathartic right? i never did it much until the last few years but now i find myself being able to express what i'm going through so much easier if I don't have to think about sentence structure and write more towards how my thoughts are forming. love seeing this journey on you.
I felt this whole poem. It gave me chills.
(Too many feelings to fully sit with this because of reasons - saving saving saving. Omg I love hearing this read out loud and the intro - omg and your “excuse me” was so CUTE ADORABLE VULNERABLE LOVELY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 im going to pause now but thank u xxxxxx)
Ha I’m still listening I can’t stop omg
I want maximalist vibrant artistic too I hope this is true for you all of what u dream is true asap ooh
Also thank u for sharing that I’m not alone in not unpacking for (years) months!!
Oh my goodness 🫂
(One last thing sorry for writing how I text - this poem is so so so so so exquisite in both heard and written form, in each format’s own right alone!!! Let alone both!!!!! Omg how tho- thank u xxxxx)