Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

1. Once you said Capricorn and Scorpio placements, immediately I could relate (I'm a Libra but with a Capricorn and Scorpio stellium)

2. Active stoner here - love me some joints so this post I could 100% relate to. I had an addiction and took a break and came back using it to decrease my anxiety because I have type A qualities. ]

3. Also living in spaces where it's legal is life changing.

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Mia! Girl! I'm so proud of us! The self-awareness is on point, and I love it when I connect with the girlies who get it!

There's a connection between us because you have my mother's name, and that relationship is, well, I write about that enough, lol. It's nice to say things that resonate with Big Little Mia (even your name choice is divine for me) and my authentic self.

I believe you understand what I'm trying to say...so thank you for being you showing up, and being a vessel!

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

Not you making me tear up from a comment 🥹 I'm so proud of us and it's SO nice to connect with girlies who get it! 💕

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not me coming to comment and seeing you here. heyyyy stink!

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FELT! I just came off a tolerance break because I wasn't liking how often I was smoking and I can't afford the habit I was creating. I have enjoyed getting to know which strains affect me in ways that are productive and which do the opposite. I also get the BEST sleep after smoking the right indica or hybrid to put me out. I appreciate your authentic voice in these Substack streets sis, your authenticity is going to take you FAR!

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Off topic slightly, but you know Ashleigh every time I get on a Zoom call and see you and Karen and other writers I always feel out of place. Then the speakers share and it’s all so relatable. Something about organized writing environments make me feel I don’t belong because of how vulnerable my writing is. Because of my topics and how loud my voice can be at times. This comment, that’s last line did something for me. I can’t tell you exactly what yet, but it affirmed something and for that thank you sis!

Now I didn’t know you were a smoker girl! I would have sent you a little goodie bag, but now that I know I just might show you some LOVE! 💕

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Well I'm so glad that you continue to show up to the virtual rooms because you deserve a seat at the table. There's room for all of us in our varied styles and formats. Your audience loves you because of those very things you think disqualifies you somehow - your topics, your voice, your vulnerability. Keep going!

Ahh and yes I am a super consumer. You might even see me puffing on one of the more lax workshops sometimes if I don't feel like stepping off camera hahaha

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Oh Jacquie. I relate to everything you ever said. The deep penetrating anxiety. The fact that weed used to help w that. And then. It became part of the problem.

I roll joints like your wife. And I been thinking about writing about my experience but. Idk I have this hesitation. … I think it’s because I should prolly quit. But I’m not sure I’m ready to raw dog reality.

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I’m smoking a preroll right now looking at that blunt like girl I’m about to break you down in just one minute. I can’t enjoy joints, even my mama smoke them.

Bethany, we are the same age I’m 33 I’ll be 34 in November. So I know some of that anxiety, you back in school too. Find a healthy balance for yourself. Treat it as a reward. Maybe hit something before you leave the house (if you that type too) and save it for once you come home from class. Like it’s an accountability reward.

But also if the Universe says it’s time to raw dog reality you can always surrender to raw dogging vulnerability too! 🙃

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I too, have heavy Capricorn placements in the 6th H, was raised in the suburbs by a parent from the projects and started smoking young (much younger than 19 though 😩) I love how you’ve found your rhythm with consumption. I definitely relate to using it while I was younger to numb and then needing to form a healthy relationship with it. I’m curious if you’ve heard of the platform SmkBrk that curates a lot of educational content about cannabis consumption for women, specifically. They’re on Substack now, I feel like it’s your vibe https://smkbrkco.substack.com/

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Not us finally understanding some of the connection! Girl that’s crazy the similarities wow! I checked out SmkBrk and I’m a fan you were right, totally my vibe. I listened to a playlist last night finishing up the BlackStack post for today so it’s a vibe. Thank you for that!!! And thank you for reading and doing all the things! 🫶🏾

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

So worth the wait! I haven't smoked since the year started because I felt it was making me way too anxious and I suspect it was triggering mania. I live in Jamaica, marijuana is decriminalized here so in the past few years dispensaries have popped up all over, so I've had the opportunity to explore different blends. I'm an Indica girl myself, I enjoy how connected and grounded in my emotions it makes me feel. I'm still on the fence on whether or not I will venture back in to my practice of using marijuana, but if I do my approach will be more measured and intentional. I believe that practicing temperance is always a wise decision.

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Oh wow so much information here to learn that I had no idea about. Dispensaries in Jamaica is kind of blowing my mind right now. I am embarrassed to say I didn’t know it was criminalized. Student of life for a lifetime is so real.

Indica girl for the feelings. That’s so real and let me know what you decide I’m interested in your journey! Thank you so much for reading!

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hi! im also a weed smoker baddie and i gotta say THANK YOU for this, this was lovely to read💋

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Hi, fellow weed smoker baddie! Thank you for supporting the cause, we have to stick together! Thank you for subscribing, I can't wait to dive more into your work!

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

"Smoking weed lowkey saved my life because I have intentionally allowed it to help me surrender to the things I can’t change. "- down with big pharma

I'm so glad you have safe access and none of the stress. I appreciate you speaking out and advocating for healthy use while being productive and then strain choice and delivery method. Down with big pharma. God made out bodies with a system to process the plant. Glad to hear you're getting into growing too.

Did you know there's people in FL who don't think Moms should have their kids if they have an mmj card and go through a quarter a week with how many hours in that week. Lol

Have you tried RSO with your supplements. When I can afford that it's great for autoimmune pain without even having to take toxic Tylenol. I loved this. More Moms need to start speaking out. Are we not nurturing ourselves and communities by speaking out and saying stop poisoning yourself and live like people again, before 1939 took a plant away for racist reasons. FFS James Madison grew hemp, let's not even get into how microplastics would decrease with more industrial hemp production and applications. If they can build a house with hemp bricks....lol. This was brave and I commend you. Keep shining. You're lucky your spouse works at a dispensary. Wish I could get a marketing job with one. ❤️🔥💯🙏

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Jessica! I fucks with you! Time after time, we see our reflections in each other, and I love how healing it feels. Now, to your points, girl, I know all too well about the judgment that comes with being a stoner mom, and I decided eight years ago I would not allow myself to be concerned with it. I hope more Moms do decide to share their experiences with weed; I know someone who uses tinctures for their non-verbal autistic kids, and it helps them regulate so much better than their medications. I've seen the positive effects of this plant medicine when used correctly, so I do pray to be the change I want to see.

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

Good for those Moms, same with Adhd or any neurodivergence. I fuck with you too. 💯 ❤️🙏

Too much stigma with the plant and its ridiculous. Kids with seizures and the data from CA with that is what helped start the CBD revolution. It needs to happen again with data from the Moms you know, with the increase in autism it's only natural to look into alternatives that are way more safe and effective than big pharmas options. Good for those Moms!!

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Maybe 🤔 this is something I could explore and write about. It’s interesting you mentioned CA studies because my wife works at the dispensary has been a leading advocate for legalization and they rebranded into a wellness center, not a weed dispensary. I think there is a major shift happening because people are introducing it to their kids here. My wife said kids have the medical cards so therefore they come in with stoner mom and she’s helping them find their regimen on the store.

Wow this just opened my eyes to how much more I know about this topic and how I could speak from the mother’s perspective. Omg mind blown! 🤯

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

Every Mom is different. I would talk to my child Dr if he had an issue that needed medication and if he had mmj as an option. I do see kids at the dispensary here in FL but don't think the pearl clutchers get it. Theres a pastor in Michigan who rebukes the church about its views on it, got people in the pews on Valium and opiods looking down their nose at us like boozy moms. Bro, I'm so sick of it. Please write about it!

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

Thank you for sharing.

One of the reasons I medicated was bc weed was no longer helping anymore. At best I can say it’s an expensive addiction that I’m trying to break.

Relate to being on the road to nursing my mental back to good health. It’s a journey that’s well worth it.

I’m excited to read more of your journey! Sending healing love to you from me 🫶🏾

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The expensive part is also a reason I decided not to continue numbing now with my partner working at the dispensary it's made a huge difference. I am very grateful for that; our plan was for her to get a job at one because that was a part of her dream, so it's been all divine intervention since the beginning, it feels.

Cheers to us for redirecting to the road to nurturing our mental health into wealth! Receiving, and sending some love back to you!!!

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So, I can’t inhale, but my creams and I have a solid relationship. Much of my anxiety shows up in body aches and I am grateful for Maryland’s recreation laws!

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And of course, the shoutout has me high on human connection!

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I had to! I’ve been in the same high since!!! I have some time this Friday too if you are free.

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Ohhhi have this cream and omg the wonders it does on my carpal tunnel in my hands from my makeup artistry days.

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Good article. Cottonmouth is real

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Thank you and omg so real lol! 😂

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I only do it by tincture but man I’ll be watching tv and think “why can I barely swallow”

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How do you like the tincture? Well how do you use it? My wife had an oil but I want to try the tincture. When I smoke a cart or a preroll omg it’s instant lol.

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

I am glad you shared this. Weed doesn’t help, especially when you have other issues going on mentally. I used to smoke too, but I had to give it up

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You know I used to think it would have this effect on everyone but when my wife goes to the VA for her bipolar disorder they are encouraging her to explore it as a way to self-regulate. It’s working for her and I learned the things that work for me.

I probably won’t quit, I’ve had long breaks over the past year so I think that played a major part in my self-discovery.

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Sep 18Liked by Jacquie Verbal

At least you know when to utilize it, not as a crutch but as a helpful tool. Those who dive into smoking, drinking, or do anything excessively to substitute a feeling will eventually fall short to its effects

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I think because I used to be the girl high and not drunk but the smell pouring from my pores - I know I don’t want to be her anymore more. Picking up my daughter from school in 2023 highlighted that.

I’m just grateful to be healthy now and I think that was my biggest blessing. Cause girl I know where I was headed.

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I used to smoke everyday but now get paranoid as fuck (unless I'm drunk) so only smoke every once in a long while.

Good stuff...I enjoyed this.

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That paranoid feeling is the work when you are high out of your mind or at least trying to be. I have to socially drink because I scare myself with how much alcohol I can consume as a 5 foot 2 inch woman. I should never be able to drink more than a man.

I think the awareness and adjustment is what makes the biggest difference so kudos to you! And thank you for reading and commenting Gary.

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this was a good read and one I wish all the people (aka my family) who are judgey could tap in with, because half of them need a good j to calm them down!

I related to alot of what you said about the numbing and I still be on that type of time, but I'm trying to develop a greater awareness around it. just earlier this week I purchased some more quality weed than what I'm used to and got me a cute lil pipe to smoke out of, and it feels way more intentional and ritualized.

also--chile you talmbout dabs got my heart beating fast, because the way those took me DOWN when I tried them back in the day. whew chile

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As someone who is renegotiating her relationship with weed, I appreciate this so much😍🙏

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Thank you for this 💚

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thank you for bringing yourself to this piece for us to engage with. I'm so focused in recent years on deconstructing the image of "stoner" that was given to me as a child of the 80s and this piece helps in that process.

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