It’s always good to hear different perspectives.

I think that more than one thing can be true.

Perspective is often based on our understanding and individual experiences. One of my tenants of parenting has been to never squash my children’s voices. Because I can learn from them too.

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Jul 26
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I’m feeling so grateful reading your comment!

For one, I agree Dick Gregory is a MUST! A real hero in our community! I stopped hoping so much after listening to him and started BELIEVING more.

I hope this piece sparks conversations for us to determine what it would look like to live free for once but by our own definitions!

But whatever our next move is 1) it needs to be in unity and 2) it needs to be a calculated risk that will result in our reparations!!!!

Thank you so much for reading, commenting and sharing this is appreciated because I was truly fighting myself to post.

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