This is beautiful! I have a litany of things I thought I was bad at too, because I wasn't in first place. But now I realize drawing, doing hair, garment making (crochet and sewing and weaving), and even writing and public speaking are things I do thrive at for my own sake.

And I also affirm that even though my beauty leans Black nerd, I still have a vibrancy that is unmatched.

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Thank you, Kristen! I really appreciate you reading and commenting!

It's so interesting that you mentioned your talents because I share those same interests. I gave up drawing because I wasn't good and didn't understand to get good you had to practice. So I made sure to use that wisdom to encourage my daughter. Her skill is developing and she can do the things I struggled to accomplish with ease now, and it feels like that healed a little part of Candace.

I use that wisdom for myself to continue to practice my writing to continue to explore my voice. Ah! So many similarities I could go on and on! Thank you again for this comment!

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Truly an inspiration. I find a lot of similarities with my own life and it brings me some peace to read your story, makes me hopeful for the future. Not perfect, but beautiful and made with love. Thank you 🖤

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I love when we find comfort in our life through other people’s words. I’m happy that we can reflect that back to each other!

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you're so brilliant and this is beautifully written🤍 . you inspire me

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!! 🫶🏾

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Keep living your best life and being an inspiration for your daughter.

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I appreciate you for reading and commenting on this week's newsletter this one was very personal to me. This means so much!

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Thank you, Susie! This is only the beginning, there is so much in store now that I have my foundation built.

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Truly an inspiration. I find a lot of similarities with my own life and it brings me some peace to read your story, makes me hopeful for the future. Not perfect, but beautiful and made with love. Thank you 🖤

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Truly an inspiration. I find a lot of similarities with my own life and it brings me some peace to read your story, makes me hopeful for the future. Not perfect, but beautiful and made with love. Thank you 🖤

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Truly an inspiration. I find a lot of similarities with my own life and it brings me some peace to read your story, makes me hopeful for the future. Not perfect, but beautiful and made with love. Thank you 🖤

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