I jumped timelines.
On this new timeline my awareness helps me recognize that I am already living my dreams. I am being asked to take actions to prove to myself that I am safe. With this calming peace along the way.
No longer living by the belief that the past is always repeating itself.
The past week has been so intense and fast. It feels like my dreams came true overnight. Moving to California has always been a dream of mine since I was a young child. I always knew within my soul, my true story would begin when I moved to California. Early on, I found out those were big dreams and people are going to shut them down immediately.
My entire life I have longed to go home, not realizing California in my heart is home. This year I made the commitment to myself that I would finally start saying yes to me. Everything I had told myself no to in the past due to other people’s opinions about it, this year I am doing it for myself!
It started with my self care regimen. While at the beach before making our great escape to the west, I pampered myself with a self care regimen week.
Quick Backstory: Throughout my twenties, I was a makeup artist with MAC Cosmetics. This decade long career gave me opportunities to host my own makeup master class events, makeup brand expo events, and work for some high end luxury brands. This lifestyle provided a self care regimen that I have denied myself access to for years. Professional hair removal, fun nails, regular facials, lash extensions, the list goes on. I told myself I would be the DIY girlie and at first it started great; but with the back to back major transformations in my life in the past 6 months it’s been neglected.
I honestly, had not realized how my lack of self care to the standards I am most comfortable at was affecting my confidence. There was no fear of “showing up” in the world and sharing my story, I was not confident in my appearance. I know this to be true because now I confidently post and share with ease.
5:55 am as I look at the clock. Angel number 555, symbolizes spiritual guidance and learning. It is associated with transition, freedom and independence. It helps you foresee and manifest your ideal life with singularly motivated actions. However, five energy can also bring out itchy emotions and restlessness that make you change.
The clear signs have been consistent, just like that. In this timeline it feels like there is no delay, the communication is clear and the releases flow with ease. Yesterday, on February 29, 2024 I had my first panic attack in almost 4 years. The last time I had one was my last day going into a 9-5 full time job. In the moments leading to the panic attack my emotions were flowing at a rapid speed, but my awareness was on point. I knew exactly why I was feeling the emotions while being compassionate with myself with reassurance that those are old beliefs passing through. Once the panic attack hit, I was in the process of still trying to “figure out” our next move when my directions were to be still and wait for instructions.
The sitting still and resting or enjoying the experiences was a difficult assignment for me last month. Oh but yesterday it became so clear. I laid down to nap for an hour because I have learned for me, rest is the only way for me to bounce back from an emotional purge. When I got up, I cooked dinner while booking our next two Airbnb experiences along with our flights to San Diego and extended our current Airbnb’s checkout to 1pm. With ease, no doubt, no questioning, I bossed up and made the arrangements.
I realized so clear in that moment, I am on a quest back home. It didn’t make sense before, why would I give up my “stability” to be uncomfortable. I quoted the word stability because I was mistaking my physical home and material goods as stability when what I was asking for was sufficiency. However, through this uncomfortable quest I have gained my confidence back, I have restored my faith in myself and my decisions, but most importantly I am finally saying yes to my dream. The Universe has literally funded the quest from the day I accepted the invitation. My wife shifted into becoming the provider for our basic needs while I have been able to freely rebrand my business. The rebranding of my business was the rebranding of my life in real time. When we needed extra income to comfortably book plane tickets and luggage and Lyft rides, the deposit hit. Every time we didn’t know where our next Airbnb stay was going to be nor how we would pay for it out of nowhere the funds would appear. For 6 months now this has been our experience.
Your North Node placement will tell you what you are to experience and master in this lifetime. Mine suggested that my life would be unconventional, my partner and marriage will be unconventional, the way I make money will be unconventional, and my home will be unconventional. It wasn’t until I was isolated that I was able to identify my “yes’s” and accept that my life will follow the path presented for society. My soul’s purpose in life is to be self-sufficient and teach others how to do the same. To cultivate my own urban homestead and comfortably live a slow life is a dream of mine. I still want to write and work with beautiful souls, but I only see me achieving this goal while not paying rent nor utility bills. When I fantasize life, I am outside most times either picking food from my garden or enjoying the sun while working.
This quest I am on is not to find housing in California but to build my urban homestead breaking free completely from society and showing the world how I do it.
Astrology Connection: Both my North Node and Midheaven are Earth signs so the lifestyle is fully in alignment while my South Node and Sun signs are Water elements highlighting my dream of being near the beach and my major transformation taking place at the beach.
Jumping timelines is something I have been doing for many years but never recognized every pivot into change was because I jumped timelines. I’ve done this many ways too, often by just curiosity. I remember being at the beach and in one Airbnb in particular I was intentionally every day drinking water from a glass cup. And every time I would fill that cup with water I would say “thank you for filling my cup with abundance.” I would then drink the water with the intention that I will filling my body with abundance therefore allowing me to continue to attract more abundance. This kept me in a consistent flow state of gratitude which we know leads to great abundance.
Storytime Summary: The quest I am on has taught me the importance of gratitude and how things only move forward when you operate from that state of gratitude. I want to share this example with you because it has really shifted my perspective on how I view money. I mentioned how the Universe has been funding this quest since we accepted the invitation, and we are put on pause when we try to divert from the plan out of fear. In February, the intention was to bring my wife home from jail and allow us to prepare to move to California to start our life. We made the agreement that we wanted to be married and if we had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas to get married we would do that. February 12, 2024 my wife came home and we tried to divert from the plan. I started looking for apartments in South Carolina knowing this would not be fulfilling. Nothing worked out, so we looked at flights to see how expensive it would be. To our surprise the flights were cheaper than extending our stay at an Airbnb, and guess what. The flights going to California had overnight layovers and 22+ hours of travel time, but the flight to Las Vegas was cheaper, nonstop, and only 5 hours. Everything was working out for us with ease as long as we stayed on the path of least resistance. Now here in Las Vegas, we tried to divert from the plan again out of fear. This time the fear was money, we spent so much money unexpectedly leading up to making this move we started to question our decision. That’s what my purge was about that resulted in my panic attack on February 29, 2024. In the midst of my release it was said so clear to me “You must shift your perspective into gratitude for being able to move across the country without ever having to check your bank account.” Even now typing it, the message still gives me chills because that is exactly what I asked for. I told the Universe if moving to California was the quest I was meant to journey on then I needed to be able to do it comfortably without having to check my bank account. Although my bank account makes those old beliefs want to rise up and explode, my new beliefs carry too much evidence that the quest is funded. As long as I continue to move forward and follow through, the rest will reveal itself. I am not going to sugar coat that this ain’t some scary shit, but there is this power and confidence that grows the more things work out. With the experiences I’ve had by jumping timelines, how could I doubt the Divine support and intervention on this quest.
Pigeons represent adaptability, strength, and the ability to prosper in diverse conditions. Pigeons are seen as spirit animals that embody resilience and carry messages of peace and unconditional love. Pigeons are considered symbols of good luck and charity.
While in Las Vegas, questioning the quest for the 100th time now, there were dozens of pigeons that came to me. The surrounded me, flying in circles around me and landing on the power lines behind me. It was a clear sign that my Divine team, angels, were surrounding me and protecting me as I cried out for them to help me. I was not sure what the path was and so in my head I could not see clearly if I was still on the right path. I need a lot of reassurance and this quest is teaching me how to trust myself more. When I looked up the meaning of pigeons I immediately understood that my need for reassurance was because I was trying to divert from the plan. We had been putting the marriage off out of fear of the money and not having housing for the next 20+ days. However, we are here to celebrate our union. We were blessed to be able to purchase rings, book the flight and my dream house; it is time to complete this assignment. I felt in my spirit that once we are married and get on that flight to San Diego, our life will take one of the biggest elevations yet.
See Las Vegas was a redo for me, I have been here once thinking I would be proposed to; but this time I am here specifically to get married. San Diego is the place I hosted my first healing retreat and I have many emotions around that experience but it ignited my burning desire to move to San Diego specifically. Now I am moving there on a one way flight with my family, wife and daughter. I planted an intentional seed in San Diego during my healing retreat and not even 2 years later the whole thing just came true.
Self-discovery is the journey that we take to bring us home. Once we accept that invitation back home we begin our quest. The problem is many of us hold ourselves back from experiencing the quest due to our fear of the unknown. So we journey to learn about yourselves in the most authentic ways and the Universe rewards us with amazing opportunities to experience a life beyond our wildest dreams. A life we could plan if we tried.
Baby I usually don’t read blogs but baby this here took me exactly where I needed to be mentally. Learning about the north node and jumping timelines with fear but more so with courage. I’m proud of you
sis I love you and congratulations
I really needed to read this, thank you so much for sharing! I also have an earth north node and a water south node and I’ve been dying to go live by the beach. My north node is Virgo and I haven’t really been able to figure out what that would mean for me, but this post gave me great insight. Thank you so much for writing this! I hope you’re loving your new timeline!